Thursday, 27 June 2013

Execute INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE Statements against Views in SQL Server

Insert and Update Statements against Views in SQL Server:

The views are basically allows the user to fetch the records from one or more tables. The views may or may not return all the columns from their base tables. So the view can only show the data in the columns those are specified while creating it.

Let’s create a table called dbo.Table_1 and a view as shown below.

(     [UID] [int] NOT NULL,  
[NAME] [Nchar](10) NULL,     
[NEWC] [Varchar](20) NULL

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_test1]

And I have inserted data into the base table as shown below.

INSERT INTO dbo.TABLE_1 SELECT 1, 'one', 'one one'
INSERT INTO dbo.TABLE_1 SELECT 2, 'two', 'two two'
INSERT INTO dbo.TABLE_1 SELECT 3, 'the', 'the the'

The view dbo.vw_test1 is currently returning only two columns are NAME and NEWC. So when I try to fetch the data from that view, it will show only data from these two columns as shown below.

SELECT * FROM dbo.vw_test1

INSERT statement against View:

The view does not store any data. It can fetch and/or write data onto its base table.

First of all we need to know what all the columns that view can return are. In this case the view dbo.vw_test1 can return only two columns so that we can do INSERT/UPDATE data only on these two columns on its base table ‘dbo.TABLE_1’.

Case1: Insert Data

When we try to insert data against the view dbo.vw_test1, then we can pass only two values as the view having only two columns. And these two columns type are nchar (10) and varchar (20), so we need to specify the string values while inserting data against the view.

INSERT INTO dbo.vw_test1 SELECT ‘the’, ‘the the’

The above INSERT statement will throws an error as shown below.

The above error indicates that the UID column in the dbo.TABLE_1 does not allow the NULL values as it is defined as ‘NOT NULL’ column.

So the view can pass the values as it is for the columns NAME and NEWC to its base table, and also it is trying to pass the NULL value into the other column UID as we did not defined any value for this column UID in our actual INSERT statement. Since this column UID has been defined as NOT NULL, so it throws an error.

In this case, we can not able to insert data against the view vw_test1.

Case2: Insert Data

Now I am creating another view where we can able to execute INSERT statement onto it.

CREATE VIEW dbo.vw_test2

The above view is currently returning two columns UID and NAME. So in this case, we are going to define the values for UID and NAME columns in the below INSERT statement. And the NULL data will be propagated into the other column NEWC.

INSERT INTO dbo.vw_test2 SELECT 100, ‘Hundred’

The above insert statement has been inserted data successfully onto the table dbo.TEST_1. You can see the results below.

Update statement against View:

Now we can able to update data without having any issues on the columns which are currently returning data from the views.

View1: dbo.vw_test1

The view vw_test1 can allows us to execute update statements in order to update data only on NAME and NEWC columns. It won’t allow us to update data on any other columns in it base table and also we can not use these other columns in WHERE clause.

UPDATE dbo.vw_test1 set NAME = ‘update’, NEWC = ‘updated by’

The data will be updated as shown below after execution of the above UPDATE statement.


View2: dbo.vw_test2

The view vw_test2 can allows us to execute update statements on it to update data only on UID and NAME columns. The following update statement will update data in UID and NAME columns.

UPDATE dbo.vw_test2 set UID = 10, NEWC = ‘update by V2’

The data will be updated as shown below after execution of the above UPDATE statement.


DELETE Data Using the Views:

Like tables, we can execute the DELETE statements against the user defined views to delete data. The DELETE statement can only executed if the view is returning the columns only from the base table. If the view is returning columns more than one column, the following error will throws out.

Monday, 4 February 2013

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Saturday, 19 January 2013

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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

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Thursday, 10 January 2013

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Monday, 7 January 2013

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Sunday, 6 January 2013

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Saturday, 5 January 2013

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History of Microsoft SQL Server

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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

SQL Server DBA Topics

Please follow the below SQL Server DBA tasks and all these tasks will be described later one after another..!